Sophie Edmond

Discover empowerment and growth with Sophie Edmond

What my satisfied clients say

These testimonials will provide you with an authentic insight into what I do, how I manage challenges and the results I have achieved.

I am proud to have played a part in helping my clients succeed and am forever grateful for their trust and their willingness to share their experiences with others.

female business coach

“Sophie and I had worked together before so I knew her style of working. As a result of coaching, I am definitely more confident in my abilities and thinking and communicating more strategically - which was my aim. I need to work on my mindset and now it is more defined and focussed.

I am more mindful of my language ensuring that I act more strategically in my outlook. If you want coaching to work for you then be prepared to put in the work. Be prepared to practice and be comfortable with being uncomfortable whilst doing this. A new skill needs time and effort to learn.

Thanks a million, Sophie, I really enjoyed working with you, and you have supported me in completing the coaching and gained the outcome I was looking for too.”

Melissa B.

“I started working with Sophie after reaching out to our internal learning and development team wanting to work on my overall confidence

Sophie has a wealth of experience and knowledge which is readily demonstrated, she helped me reflect on some of my beliefs and supported me in challenging them, she coached me on how to present myself to different audiences, how to get the most out of a presentation and how to build my own brand.

I deeply value the time we spent together and the progress Sophie helped me make in my life.”

Kezia S.

“I can't recommend Sophie enough. Sophie is very warm and approachable. She uses her knowledge to enhance your experience as a learner by allowing you to share your encounters so you can both draw together the best possible conclusions and solutions from them. Enjoyable training did not want the sessions to end!”

Yara W.

“We have some fantastic female future leaders and in a heavily male workforce (due to the nature of our work) we wanted to provide support and guidance for our female talent.

After researching various companies and looking on LinkedIn, we found Sophie. The “about” section just spoke to us. Imposter syndrome, not feeling confident to speak up and being able to support us in developing and retaining our female talent is what made our decision to reach out to Sophie.

We met and discussed our needs. We settled on a Women in Leadership “Step into your Space” session and also a “Men Allies for Leadership Equality” and provided the opportunity for everyone to attend both sessions.

The sessions were valuable as first they validated a lot of feelings that women within every business may feel at some point or another. It also provided a great insight into how our male workers could offer their support and be allies. The fixed and growth mindset was fascinating and was definitely the star of the show and what we received the most feedback about.

Following the sessions, we saw a lot of our female talent begin to build their brand and their confidence increase as a result. We also received requests for further support in this topic so arranged coaching sessions with Sophie and received fantastic feedback about how useful the sessions were.

Not only was the training great but Sophie’s approach was too. Sophie is extremely personable, supportive, and knowledgeable. It was such a great experience working together and Sophie continues to support us following the training.

The work with Sophie has contributed to us being voted one of The Times Top 50 Employers for Women, a great recognition for the company.

If you are thinking of focusing on women in leadership within your business and looking for someone to support you reach out to Sophie, you won’t regret it.”

Hayley P.

L&D Business Partner