Sophie Edmond portrait

Executive coaching, mentoring and leadership development

Empower your leadership with my coaching services

Are you…

  • Experiencing feelings of being an imposter, the constant pursuit of perfection or constantly trying to please others?
  • Struggling to ensure your voice is heard during meetings or afraid to contribute due to fear of saying the wrong thing?
  • Wishing you could assert yourself and refuse requests without feeling guilty?
  • Finding it difficult to manage work-related stress and fearing failure?
  • Eager to make a change, but clueless about how to go about it and hoping for a miraculous improvement?

Would you like to…

  • Ensure your voice is heard during meetings and communicate with clarity, conviction and purpose?
  • Be confident that you have rightfully earned your place at the table?
  • Command respect from your peers and superiors through your presence and gravitas?
  • Feel empowered to refuse requests and assert your confidence?
  • Enjoy some personal time and acknowledge that it's perfectly alright to do so?

I can help you thrive with female leadership coaching

I can help you thrive with female leadership coaching

Being a senior female leader can be challenging, especially when you assume leadership roles and greater responsibilities. As a leader, not having all the answers can be daunting.

Sometimes, all you need is a little assistance and the support of someone who's been in your shoes to help you thrive and succeed. With coaching, you can become decisive, take action, feel empowered, regain control of your work and personal life and boost your confidence.

Coaching cultivates awareness, empowers choice and facilitates change, enabling you to become the best leader you can be.

Sophie Edmond portrait
female leadership coach

Leadership and talent development

With over two decades of experience in learning and development, I have collaborated with numerous organisations to design custom programs that empower, develop and support emerging and current leaders to create an impact.

My women's leadership and talent development programs are designed to empower the talent pipeline in organisations that recognise the commercial benefits of developing and retaining their top female leaders.

I am committed to assisting organisations in achieving their gender equality goals by coaching women to assert their rightful place.

executive coaches for women
executive coaches for women

Workshops and seminars

My engaging and interactive 90-minute workshops provide your team or individuals with practical and actionable tools that can be implemented immediately. Plus, they will have fun while learning.

The topics I cover include:

  • Personal branding
  • Confident communication
  • Rising above imposter feelings
  • Career development for women
  • Leading with presence and impact